Former KPK Leader Invites To Be Careful In Choosing The President: If You Don't Commit Strongly To Eradicating Corruption, The Imaging Is Only Bullshit

JAKARTA - Former Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Taufiequrachman Ruki appealed to the public to be careful in choosing candidate pairs in the 2024 presidential election. Do not let them simply carry out imagery without having a commitment, especially in efforts to eradicate corruption.

Ruki conveyed this when reading the calls for five moral messages for the president and all state administrators at the ACLC KPK building, Jakarta, Monday, February 5.

According to Ruki, a leader must have a strong commitment because he will be the supreme commander.

"If the president does not have a strong commitment, only imaging, then bullshit," said Ruki.

"We will not be able to move, this country will get worse and worse, our obligations are enormous, big debts must be settled by cleaning up corruption first, then income increases, public trust increases," he continued.

Ruki, who once served as Chairman of the KPK for the 2003-2007 period, said that no president has ever been strongly committed to eradicating corruption. Thus, he felt the need to give a warning to the public ahead of the voting day on February 14.

"Let's be careful choosing the president this time because the president must have a strong, sustainable commitment in the context of eradicating corruption. Without such a person, how much trillion rupiah has been spent to carry out the election, the result is zero, because the problem is moral," he said.

Meanwhile, the former Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Basaria Panjaitan, read five messages to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). One of them is about the distribution of social assistance (bansos) which must be improved governance.

"Repairing good governance or good governance, especially the governance of the distribution of social assistance based on the list of recipients of valid social assistance, according to the name and address," said Basaria.

The former leaders of the anti-corruption commission considered that the current social assistance management was indeed in the spotlight. However, they feel it is natural because their gifts no longer pay attention to good governance principles.

In this call, they also reminded Jokowi and his staff of importance in strengthening the agenda for preventing and eradicating corruption. Including, avoiding all conflicts of interest.

"Because the conflict of interest is the root and first step towards corrupt practices," said Basaria.

The next call is related to the neutrality of law enforcement officers such as the Police, TNI, and the Prosecutor's Office. They should not side with any of the candidates.

"The nature of statesmanship and exemplary should also be shown by a president or head of state, especially during the 2024 General Election contestation period," said Basaria.

The KPK leaders involved in voicing the petition were Taufiequrachman Ruki, Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas, Amien Sunaryadi, M Busyro Muqoddas, and Adnan Pandu Praja. Then, Laode M Syarif, Mas Achmad Santosa, Abraham Samad, Chandra M Hamzah, Waluyo, Bibit Samad Rianto, Mohammad Jassin, Zulkarnain, and Haryono Umar.