CBA Asks Jambi Police Chief To Respond To Cases Of Alleged Land Grabbing Stalled 6 Years

JAKARTA - Two Jambi residents named Junaidi and Mustafa Kamal complained about their fate to the Center For Budget Analysis (CBA) over the alleged land grabbing case allegedly carried out by an oil palm entrepreneur with the initials A at KM 13 - 16 Sungai Gelam Village, Sungai Gelam District, Muaro Jambi Regency.

As a result of the seizure of the land, the two Jambi residents were forced to stay in a rented house because all of their land had been confiscated.

Based on CBA data, their land allegedly controlled by entrepreneurs with the initials A is about 2000 meters in the form of SKT (land certificate) and 320 hectares in the form of SHM (Owned Rights Certificate).

"Junaidi and Mustafa Kamal have reported the case of land grabbing to the Jambi Regional Police, and the Jambi Regional Police issued an investigation letter No.Sp.Lidik/126/II/Res.1.2/2019/Ditreskrimum, dated February 20, 2019," said Director of the Center for Budget Analysis (CBA), Uchok Sky Gaddafi in his statement, Monday, February 5.

However, until now, said Ucok, the Jambi Police have not named a suspect in the report on the land grab case.

"Just for investigation in the case of grabbing the land belonging to the poor." he said.

Uchok said that the land grabbing case had stalled for 6 years at the Jambi Regional Police. Uchok hopes that the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, will immediately order the Jambi Police Chief, Inspector General Rusdi Hartono, to determine the suspect in the land grabbing case in accordance with Article 385 of the Criminal Code.

"The statement from the Jambi Regional Police's Direskrimum Kombes Andri Ananta Yudistira, the land case is still under investigation. They are only able to be investigated and do not dare to summon AH to the Jambi Regional Police," he said.

"If this is the case, the legal knife is sharp downwards, and blunt to palm oil entrepreneurs," he said.

Uchok hopes that the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo will immediately order the Jambi Police Chief, Inspector General Rusdi Hartono, to immediately identify the suspect.

The reason is that until now based on the investigation letter dated February 20, 2019, the Jambi Police Chief, Inspector General Rusdi Hartono has not named a suspect.