Anies-Muhaimin's Great Campaign The AMIN National Team Ensures That JIS Will Be Crowded With Volunteers To The Streets

JAKARTA - The Anies-Muhaimin (AMIN) Winning National Team (Timnas) claims two to three million volunteers will attend the last grand campaign at the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS), on Saturday (10/2).

Anggota Dewan Pakar Timnas AMIN Supomo mengatakan perkiraan jumlah tersebut akan membuat seluruh ruas jalan yang ada di sekitar JIS, akan diisi massa pendukung pasangan calon presiden dan wakil presiden nomor 1 tersebut.

"The JIS capacity is 82 thousand to 100 thousand, so the roads around JIS will be filled with people. They may not be watching directly inside the stadium and they think the important thing is that they have come to the location," Supomo said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 5.

The retired two-star general of the Indonesian Air Force explained that the number of attendance was predicted to be attended by volunteers from inside and outside Java.

He explained that the volunteers who were predicted to attend came from more than 1,180 volunteer nodes spread throughout Indonesia and consisted of various across professions and levels of society.

Supomo admitted that it was a bit difficult to host millions of volunteers, especially regarding transportation facilities due to the capacity of a place that was not qualified.

However, he and his team have prepared a number of alternative routes so that volunteers can do long marches or walk long distances safely and comfortably to the location.

"We have prepared an alternative regulation, so they can no longer park around JIS, at least they park in a fairly wide Ancol, after that they can all walk," he said.

Supomo said he did not deny the many other obstacles in the grand campaign plan later. The obstacle is the unilateral cancellation of a number of bus owners who will transport volunteers to the location.

Even so, the AMIN national team remains optimistic that the enthusiasm of volunteers will not subside to attend the peak of the campaign from Anies-Muhaimin who continues to voice the idea of changes in state governance in the future.