Luna Maya Tak Ragu Uses Local Skin Care Brand To Prevent Facial Skin Problems

JAKARTA - Maintaining skin health, especially facial skin is not just a lifestyle, but has also become a daily need. Along with the increasing age, skin elasticity will actually weaken. So that if it is not treated from an early age, of course it can trigger the emergence of various new problems according to the age category.

"The health of the skin must be treated from an early age because our skin is the largest tissue of our body and is prone to dirt, bacteria, pollution and so on. If the skin is maintained, then it will only create happy skin happy life, because in healthy skin, the internal organs will also automatically be healthy. Healthy skin is characterized by smooth, chewy skin, small pores, no acne, and no spots," said dr. Maya Chrisdiani Audy, dipl. AAAM, MHkes, skin expert, during the grand launching of Ensee Beauty, February 3 at The Westin Jakarta.

To get healthy skin, of course, it must be done by regular and precise skin care from an early age, such as cleaning and given nutrients that match each other's skin types. In addition to skincare, lifestyle habits also affect, such as diligently drinking water so that the skin is not dehydrated, balanced nutritional intake and a healthy lifestyle, adequate sleep hours, able to minimize stress, and regular exercise are things that can maintain skin health.

That's what Luna Maya did. She chose the face of Ensee Beauty also said to treat her skin.

"I'm very happy to be part of the family as a face of Ensee Beauty. Apart from the benefits of the product to answer the problem of Indonesian facial skin, especially with the presence of a hero product, namely the serum that contains Salmon DNA from Ensee Beauty, the similarity of vision and mission to inspire fellow Indonesian women out there to be able to start a business together and support each other in the form of women supporting women, this is one of the reasons I am part of them," he said.

Nur Wahida Pratama or familiarly called Hida as founder of Ensee Beauty, at a press conference, also realized the importance of caring for skin health from an early age. Currently taking care of skin health has become a major necessity for all of us, be it women or men. Apart from internal factors from yourself such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle that must be maintained, we are also faced with external factors such as poor air quality and pollution that can cause various skin problems. This right and routine early skin care is an important thing that Ensee Beauty continues to educate, because basically we know that everyone has different skin problems, both in terms of condition and age," he explained.

dr. Maya Chrisdiani Audy, dipl. AAAM, MHkes or familiarly called Dokmay explained that in the late 20s or starting from early 30s, skin problems such as dark spots or aging will begin to emerge.

Acaya yang sudah masalah dengan aging, kita bagi menurut kriteria usia, yaitu pertama di usia 30+, dimana kolegenisasi sudah mulai berkurang. Kemudian di usia 40+ setelah kolagenisasi berkurang tentunya akan muncul dark spot karena vascalarisasinya mulai meningkat dan karinkling dalam. Lalu di usia 50+, kolagenisasi sudah hilang, sehingga akan muncul sagging skin, karink banyak dan lebih dalam serta tandai yang menjadi hypersensitif. Nah untuk mencegah terjadi permas-permasalahan tersebut, kita membutkan nutrient yang mengungkan bahan untuk aging yaitu pelembab, anti oxidin dan whitening yang aman," ujar dokter Maya.

More specifically, Maya Chrisdiani explained that in addition to a healthy lifestyle to prevent these skin problems, treatment or skin care from an early age by giving foreign cream also needs to be done. Some ingredients such as collagen, double motorbikes, and minerals, can maintain skin moisture. Then if dark spots appear, we can give whitening containing niacinamide and an intense alpha arbutin content of serum and night creams. Content such as Salmon DNA can also stimulate fibroblast to stimulate collagen growth so that it gets thick collgenising and the skin becomes smooth, strong, and young," she added.

In line with what Maya Chrisdiani said, namely the use of the right skincare, as the newest local skin care brand, Ensee Beauty launched a series of skincare series to answer the problem of Indonesian women's skin around their age, especially in terms of aging and dark spots.

"In addition to being safely tested by BPOM, our products come with a complete series of five products, ranging from cleaners, toners, night creams, sunscreens, to our flagship products, namely serums enriched by 4 active ingredients as well as DNA Salmon, Niacinamide, Minerals, and Particle Pearl Gold, to answer the problem of Indonesian women's facial skin, especially in terms of removing black spots and maintaining tightness, masculinity and preventing premature aging. In each of these Ensee Beauty products, we insert the best and quality ingredients," said Cynthia Mahendra as founder of Ensee Beauty who was also present at the Grand Launching Ensee Beauty event.

Both Hida and Cynthia as founders of Ensee Beauty revealed that in addition to the benefits that will certainly be obtained from each of their products by Indonesian women in responding to their facial skin problems, one of the characteristics or goals of the presence of Ensee Beauty as one of these local products is to be able to help fellow Indonesian women to develop themselves by doing business.

The presence of Ensee Beauty is not only to answer the problems of Indonesian women's facial skin. Because in terms of the business concept that B2B is in the form of resellers, we also want to inspire and women support women so that Indonesian women out there can start their business as well. "More specifically, we not only encourage them to be proud of local products that are tested for quality but at the same time encourage Indonesian women out there to be able to start businesses from easy and affordable things," said Cynthia.

"We want to give a negative stigma that starting a business must have a big capital. Together with Ensee Beauty, we hope that Indonesian women can not only emit your healthy skin but also walk together towards mutual success." added Hida.