Bawaslu Searches Lecturer In Bengkulu Allegedly Campaigning On Campus

BENGKULU - The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) conducted a search related to the alleged campaign violation carried out by a lecturer at a private university in Bengkulu City. "What is clear is that we got the message conveyed by the community so that then we used it as initial information and we carried out a search of the information submitted," said the Coordinator of the Division for Handling, Utilization and Violation of Disputes (Kordiv PPPS) of Bengkulu City Bawaslu Ahmad Maskuri in Bengkulu, Sunday, February 5, he said that the search was carried out to determine whether the report submitted to the Bengkulu City Bawaslu really happened or not, if true and there is complete evidence, it would be used as a finding. Based on the information received by the Bengkulu City Bawaslu that the lecturer was distributing campaign materials for one of the regional House of Representatives (DPR) candidates for the Bengkulu Province to students.

Pelaksanaan atau pembagian bahan serta atribut kampanye di lingkungan kampus, terang Ahmad, melanggar melanggar Peraturan Komisi Pemilihan Umum (PKPU) 20 tahun 2023 pasal 72 ayat 1 bahwa pelaksanaan kampanye tidak boleh membawa atribut ke dalam kampus."Bahan atau atribut kampanye yang diduga dibagikan kepada mahasiswa seperti stiker, yang jelas ada nomor urut, citra diri, visi misi dan foto," ujar dia.Jika berdasarkan hasil penelusuran tersebut benar ditemukan pelanggaran kampanye di lingkungan kampus, maka Bawaslu Kota Bengkulu akan melakukan klarifikasi terhadap pihak terkait atau orang-orang yang diduga ikut terlibat dalam penyebaran bahan kampanye tersebut.