Bali KPU: Arya Wedakarna Baru Will Be Replaced If DPD Submits Request Letter

JAKARTA - The General Election Commission (KPU) of Bali explained the mechanism for interim replacement (PAW) of members of the legislature Arya Wedakarna (AWK) who were dismissed by the decision of the BK DPD RI, his position as a representative of the Bali region could only be replaced if the DPD RI submitted a letter of request to the KPU RI.

"Yes, so there is a letter to the Indonesian KPU asking for the next most votes because PAW was stopped, please give the KPU RI the next most votes, that's all," said Bali KPU Commissioner I Gede John Darmawan, quoted from Antara, Saturday, February 3.

John said the PAW process for DPD RI members was handled by the center, not the regions, so if the DPD RI does not apply for a replacement, it is not necessary.

PAW itself cannot be done if the remaining term of office is less than 6 months, while if it is done today then the opportunity is still there, and there is an opportunity for the name Gede Ngurah Ambara Putra to participate in the 2019 Election DPD election with the fifth most votes with 120,428 votes taking the position of senator.

This provision has been contained in Article 423 paragraph 3 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections, where the KPU has determined candidates for interim replacement for DPD members from the names of candidates who get the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth most votes in the province concerned.

Regarding his candidacy in the 2024 General Election for the same position, the Bali KPU said there was no problem, because Arya Wedakarna in his case was fired in a job, not a convict.

"Does it affect his candidacy, of course, not because it is different between DPD and political parties, if he is fired as a member of a political party, of course the impact on MS (qualified) in his candidacy, if DPD does not, this will be fired from his job," said John.

The Bali KPU claimed to know that the candidate for DPD RI from Bali for the 2024 General Election was also reported to the Bali Police and Bareskrim on suspicion of hate speech containing SARA, but while there has been no inkrah decision that he has been convicted, his political journey will continue.

"For example, AWK has just been named a suspect, he continues to participate in the election process, then for example, then goes to trial and is decided to be criminal because the process has only been replaced by the next highest number of votes in the 2024 election. So if there is a court decision," said John explaining.