Becoming A New Era City, Regent Sanjaya Asks His Staff To Be More Creative

JAKARTA - Tabanan Regent, Sanjaya asked his staff to be more creative and get out of their comfort zone. The goal is to make the Tabanan area, Bali become a city that innovates in accordance with the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD).

"I deliberately modified this year's performance agreement with several additions in addition to the administration of strategic plans to emphasize Regional Apparatus to be obliged to innovate with the main frame being the development priority scale," Sanjaya said in his statement, Saturday, February 3.

He also asked his regional apparatus to compete to make regional innovations and fully describe the performance of a Head of Regional Apparatus Organization.

"This performance is not only an agreement on paper, but has a direct impact on the performance evaluation of the ranks, as well as the performance targets contained in the agreement," he said.

"Or honesty as a core value that must be kept and evaluate the low performance of the OPD based on the results of the 2023 performance agreement", he continued.

Therefore, he emphasized his staff to be more daring to think creatively which had not been done before. This has become the City of Tabanan to become a destination for areas that have the spirit of the New Era Government.

"I encourage you as the Head of Regional Apparatus, to start daring to get out of bureaucratic culture with the old paradigm and start to dare to think out of the box, as is the spirit of the New Era Tabanan Government," he said.