Anies Baswedan Describes Indonesia's Concept Of Prosperous Justice For All At The DPD RI Forum

JAKARTA - The Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI) tested the presidential and vice-presidential candidates in the 2024 election at the DPD RI Sarasehan with the 2024 Presidential Candidate. At the event which took the theme 'Looking at the Regional Progress and the State System', the DPD RI tested the presidential candidates with eight important questions which were fundamental national issues. Present at the first opportunity of Presidential Candidate number 01, Anies Baswedan.

In his presentation, Anies reviewed the vision and mission he carried out, namely Indonesia Adil Makmur for All. Currently, said Anies, we witnessed that on the journey of this Republic, there was a development inequality.

"There are areas whose progress is very fast and there are areas where progress is slow and lagging behind. Therefore, our mission is a just Indonesia prosperous for all," said Anies when delivering his vision and mission at the Nusantara IV Building, Senayan Parliament Complex, Friday, February 2.

He said, when talking about justice and equality, he tried to review this as stated by the Chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti about the origins of why this Republic was founded.

"When it was founded, the sentence used was 'with the grace of Allah, God Almighty', because we are a nation that is divine as the First precept of Pancasila, and ends in the Fifth precept as its goal, namely Social Justice for All Indonesian People," said Anies Baswedan.

Departing from this, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta emphasized that injustice and inequality are the main priorities that must be resolved. He took the example, in 2022, the Human Development Index (IPM) in Java and Sumatra is 74. Meanwhile, outside Java and Sumatra IPM 69.

"There is a difference of five points when compared to the previous ten years, where HDI in Java and Sumatra 69. This is not just a number. But let's look at the ten years. To catch up, an extraordinary effort is needed. There must be extra steps," said Anies.

Anies emphasized that if he wants Indonesian children born anywhere, they must be able to have the same opportunity to be able to achieve a good future. "That means, supporting facilities must also be good," he said. After explaining his vision and mission, Anies Baswedan was then asked about his commitment to eight national fundamental issues. Committee I asked about Regional Autonomy, followed by Committee II who asked about Human Resources, Natural Resources and Artificial Resources.

Next is Committee III which talks about Social Welfare and Committee IV asking about Regional Fiscals and the Chair of the DPD Group in the MPR on Natural Resources and Other Economic Resources.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, asked about the Azas and the Pancasila State System, Deputy Chair I of the DPD RI, Nono Sampono about the Islands and Maritimes and Deputy Chair II of the DPD RI, Mahyudin about Fiscal Justice between the Center and Regions.

Answering a question from Committee I, Anies explained that it all departed from our goal of decentralizing which began in 1999. At that time, he said, Indonesia was in a unique situation, where centralization occurred strongly.

"Then we carry out democratization. Not many countries in the world carry out democratization at the center and at the same time develop in the regions. This is because central capacity does not allow delivery to the local level when it is still centralized," he said. The goal, said Anies, is to make services faster, even with aspirations that are quickly absorbed. The distance between the people and budget managers becomes closer.

On the other hand, Anies saw about the New Autonomous Region (DOB) based on two things. If the basis is technocratic, then it is worth developing. "But if the basis is because of the political constellation of local elites that cannot be united, then the DOB is not worthy of development," said Anies.

Answering a question from Committee II, Anies said it was important for us to carry out the constitutional mandate. "The reference is that. The principle of natural resource management in Indonesia is different from other countries, where corporations must obey the constitution. But what happens, policies are made so that corporations want to work here," he said.

Oleh karenanya, Anies menilai pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam harus dikembalikan kepada kepada prinsip konstitusi.

Selanjutnya, menjawab pertanyaan Komite III, Anies menyebut jika daerah harus didukung pusat. Harus ada komitmen untuk memajukan kesejahteraan rakyat secara bersama-sama.

"We plan to make the target of achieving people's welfare and it is encouraged together so that we can ensure good delivery. So, the central government has regional transfer instruments related to this achievement. This is what we see as important, namely special autonomy funds and others," said Anies.

Answering the question of Committee III, Anies said that it must be communicated and there must be seriousness between the center and the regions. "This is a strategic issue to maintain the integrity of this Republic. What we remember about the Balkan incident is the conflict. What we forget about the disparity between regions in a sustainable and silent time," he said.

For this reason, Anies assessed that there must be a study on four things that must be stopped, continued, changed and planned in the future.

Answering a question from the DPD Group in the MPR, Anies explained about the energy transition. "We only think about how development and investment occur, but we don't think about how it ends," he said. In fact, the end of the investment is the most important.

"This should not happen in terms of energy transition. If we build a plan, then we must think about it in the end," Anies suggested.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the DPD RI asked about Anies' response to the DPD RI academic study regarding the discourse of returning to the 1945 Constitution of the original manuscript and the DPD RI state proposal.

"We want to know your studies and views on the five State Proposals of the DPD RI, especially in the context of ensuring the sovereignty of the Indonesian nation and state according to Pancasila," LaNyalla asked Anies.

Receiving this question, Anies replied that a complete dialogue space is needed and involves all stakeholders of the nation. "We see the big decisions that have an impact on state life, don't let it be decided in a short period of time, then debated without ending. So it must be studied comprehensively. That is also our criticism of IKN," explained Anies.

He said, in this world there are 560 definitions of democracy. The democracy that we imagine could be different from the views of other people or groups. "When we formulate a democratic system, we need to involve many elements and need enough time to discuss it. So, the results that will be formulated, as desired by the Chairman of the DPD RI, have matured. We see that the essence must be oriented towards completing the promise of independence, constitutional mandate and in line with completing the PR of people's welfare," said Anies.

He asked that the discourse rolled out by the DPD RI be given sufficient debate space so that the decision would not be elitist and get strong legitimacy from the people.

Answering the question of Deputy Chair I of the DPD RI, Anies said he would build an archipelago with an archipelagic concept. "Between the mainland and the islands, of course there must be different treatment. The state must dare to invest in it. Because the state does not trade with the people. There is no profit and loss between the countries.

Furthermore, answering the question of Deputy Chairman II of the DPD RI, Anies said we must improve from the roots. "The apparent symptoms, which is the regional budget and which is the central burden. That is the importance for us to correct the budget posture and the program," said Anies Baswedan.