Alumni Declaration Throughout Indonesia Affirms President Jokowi Is Still Still In Corridor

JAKARTA - Community groups that are members of the State and Private Alumni Declaration of Universities throughout Indonesia, are responding to calls for the 'Istana Geruduk' action to field President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Alumni's declaration that President Jokowi's government is still in the corridor and has never injured democracy in the 2024 General Election.

Trisakti University Alumni, Tommy Rahaditia, finds it strange that there is a negative narrative that corneres President Jokowi. Because of that, alumni gathered and spoke up on narratives far from the corridor of criticism.

"We gathered, responding to negative narratives that cornered President Jokowi. Indonesia is currently in good condition, staying in the corridor," said Tommy in Jakarta, Friday, February 2.

Tommy also regretted the widespread use of the university symbol when sending the negative narrative. According to him, the use of symbols has rules and cannot be used carelessly.

"Campuses should be neutral, not doing practical politics. There are rules for playing if you use symbols," said Tommy.

Tommy said, if you want to protest, the government has provided a place to hold a demonstration. Like in front of the DPR building, to the Horse Statue area, Monas (National Monument).

"We are overseeing the reform process which has been going on for more than 25 years. The reform, so far it has been well prepared, we will oversee this reform process to completion," explained Tommy.

It is known that recently the digital poster went viral containing a demonstration plan titled 'Istana Geruduk' with the demand to field President Jokowi. In the digital poster, there are many student organizations listed.

The poster also narrated the demands of urging the MPR to hold a Special Session to send Jokowi. It was stated that students who would attend reached 100 thousand people with black band dress codes.

At the bottom of the digital poster, there are logos for student organizations, including HMI, PMII, GMKI, GMNI, PMKRI. Then, KAMMI, IMM, BEM UI, BEM UGM, BEM ITB, and others.