PSSI Responds To The Men's Central Kalimantan Salary Arrears Case, Asks PT LIB To Postpone Subsidies

PSSI has spoken about the salary suspension case experienced by Liga 2 Club, Central Kalimantan Putra. Through the Executive Committee (Exco) member, Arya Sinulingga, PSSI took the closest step by asking PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB) to temporarily postpone subsidies to the club.

"The closest step is for us to ask PT LIB to detain the subsidies given to the club. PT LIB has subsidies for the club. So, that's the first suggestion, first detain the subsidy funds," said Arya Sinulingga in a statement on Friday, February 2, 2024.

It should be noted that in the 2023/2024 competition season, each club in Liga 2 gets a subsidy fund of IDR 1.25 billion. This amount is given with a payment term scheme seven times.

This step was taken by PSSI as an effort to provide learning effects. In addition, PSSI will also try to mediate with the two parties concerned.

"Secondly, we will mediate between Central Kalimantan Putra and the players so that the problem can be resolved," said Arya.

The polemic between Central Kalimantan Putra and his players occurred because the club failed to pay the players' salaries for three months. In the aftermath of this action, the players then decided to take a strike to play.

The action made the League 2 playoffs match on Saturday, January 27, 2024, against PSCS Cilacap failed to play and made Central Kalimantan Putra lose WO. In fact, previously this action had been conveyed by the players to the club.

Unfortunately, the club was reluctant to sign an agreement letter. As a form of disappointment, the players uploaded the statement/appropriation letter to social media until it went viral.

However, Central Kalimantan Putra actually reported his players to the police on charges of defamation.

This means that the Central Kalimantan Putra player is like having fallen down a ladder. Salaries are not paid, complaints are even reported to the police, and the action of breaking down is threatened by the PSSI Disciplinary Commission (Komdis) sanctions.