Distribution Of Logistics For The 2024 Election To Bawean Island Gresik Postponed Due To Extreme Weather

JAKARTA - The process of distributing logistics for the 2024 General Election by sea to Bawean Island, Gresik Regency, East Java (East Java), has been postponed due to bad weather constraints.

Chairman of the Gresik KPU Akhmad Roni said, Bawean Island has a total of 61 thousand voters and there are 273 polling stations (TPS) spread across 30 villages and 143 hamlets. "The logistics delivery on Bawean Island was planned for February 2, 2024 by the Gresik KPU, but it was postponed due to the bad weather that was happening," said Roni in Gresik, Thursday, February 1, which was confiscated by Antara. According to him, the high wave conditions in the waters of Bawean Island are currently hampering the process of sending election logistics, even though the logistics delivery must adjust to Gili Iyang's crossing motorboat (KMP) departure schedule. "The plan is to distribute election logistics to each of the Gresik Regency polling stations starting in early February," he said.

Pulau Bawean menjadi sasaran prioritas distribusi logistik pemilu dibandingkan dengan kecamatan lainnya di Gresik.Pulau tersebut menjadi prioritas utama distribusi logistik pemilu dibandingkan dengan daerah lain di Gresik karena pengiriman logistik menggunakan kapal laut.Roni mengatakan jadwal distribusi logistik pemilu 2024 dari gudang KPU Gresik di Jalan Mayjen Sungkono, Kecamatan Kebomas ke Pulau Bawean diundur yang semula dijadwalkan pada 2 Februari 2024 menjadi 5 Februari 2024."Pengiriman logistik pemilu ke pulau Bawean nanti dijaga ketat oleh jajaran TNI-Polri. Pengamanan juga lebih ekstra untuk surat suara dan kotak suara juga kita bungkus dengan plastik, meskipun kotak suara dari bahan kertas kedap air," pungkasnya.