BUMN Staff Claims Erick Thohir Has Taken Leave During The Prabowo-Gibran Campaign At TKN Fanta

JAKARTA - The Minister of SOEs who is also a supporter of Prabowo-Gibran campaigned to invite the younger generation to choose candidate pair 02 Prabowo-Gibran.In the campaign entitled Welcome Chief Erick Thohir To Fanfa HQ, the special staff of BUMN Tsamara Amany who accompanied him, admitted that Erick Thohir had taken leave as Minister of SOEs."And today to note, Mr. Erick is on leave, so we are all here as individuals who believe that Pak Prabowo and Mas Gibran are the two best figures to lead Indonesia in the future," said Tsamara at the Fanta HQ Menteng office, Central Jakarta, Thursday, February 1.The commander of the TKN, a young voter or Fanta Prabowo-Gibran, Arief Rosyid Hasan, added that during ministerial leave, the campaign may be allowed."It's true that during leave, ministers can campaign. So as long as they don't use state facilities, I don't think there's a problem, and I think Mr. Erick gave an example today, he's on leave, that's why he can campaign," added Arief.In the campaign, Erick Thohir invited the younger generation to choose Prabowo-Gibran."And those who come here I believe, young people who are choices, are not just young people here. Young people who work with their hearts, because there was a dream," said Erick Thohir.