Virgoun's Illegal Access Report Makes Inara Rusli More Confident Of Infidelity

JAKARTA - Inara Rusli again responded to the illegal access lawsuit filed by her ex-husband, Virgoun, to the Central Jakarta Court some time ago. Inara emphasized that the screenshot of the chat she had shared on Instagram did not clearly show Virgoun's name.

"In the chat that was spread, I did not include his name," said Inara Rusli at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, January 31.

However, she did include the name of the Virgoun Instagram because she wanted to get an explanation from her husband because at that time Virgoun ran away from home.

"I mentioned him because at that time he ran away, he wasn't at home. I asked him to come home to explain. Instead of explaining, now I have received another police report," he continued.

Furthermore, Inara was confused because Virgoun reported himself regarding the alleged illegal access when they were still husband and wife.

"The report came in when we were husband and wife and still at home. So it's quite strange, husband and wife are legally legal, but suddenly there are police reports about illegal access," said Inara Rusli.

Seeing Virgoun's behavior in reporting himself regarding the chat upload, Inara accused her ex-husband of confirming that it was true that she had an affair.

"If he reports it as personal data, it means indirectly whether it is an acknowledgment that the chat really belongs to him? So the discussion in the chat is true?," he concluded.