4 Business Opportunities For Coastal Communities, Guaranteed Money!

YOGYAKARTA Living in an area close to the beach turns out to provide many benefits. You can gain money by trying one of the business opportunities for coastal communities.

Adapun peluang bisnis untuk masyarakat pesisir yang tidak pernah semua pengilan yakni bisnis kuliner, penginan, pembelian alat-laksik, sewa perahu, dan lain sebagainya.

For more details, let's look at the review of business opportunities for coastal communities in the following article, as summarized by VOI from various sources, Wednesday, January 31, 2024.

1. Culinary business

Culinary businesses are a business that is never empty of interest, especially in tourist attraction areas. Those of you who live in coastal tourism areas can try selling food and drinks to earn additional income.

Travelers or tourists who come certainly want to try out the typical culinary delights from that place.

Try to sell food that is the hallmark of where you live. If it doesn't exist, you can sell culinary delights that are synonymous with the beachside atmosphere. For example, seafood, snacks, young coconut ice and so on.

Culinary businesses can start with minimal capital according to the budget and financial capabilities they have. If you don't have enough capital to rent a place to sell, you can do it at home.

2. Inn business

Business opportunities for coastal communities are next inn businesses. This business can bring in large amounts of money if managed seriously.

The potential to bring in coffers will be even greater if your inn location has exotic and impressive views.

However, the level of lodging business competition is quite tight. In order not to be empty of visitors, you need to set competitive room rental prices and beautify the interior and exterior design.

In addition, you also need to use effective promotional strategies, such as promotions on social media to print media to improve brand awareness.

3. Rental business for snorkeling equipment and the like

One of the attractions of beach tourism is the beauty of the coral reefs. You can use it to gain money by opening a business for renting snorkeling equipment.

If the coastal area has good waves for surfing, you can open a surfing equipment rental business.

The success of this business is very dependent on how complete the equipment is provided. Such as frog shoes, snorkel equipment, glasses, special swimsuits, and other supporting tools.

4. Boat rental business

In addition to the three business opportunities above, those of you who live in coastal tourism areas can also open a boat rental business. This business is quite promising, especially if coastal areas have supporting conditions, such as weather, nature, and the availability of existing facilities.

Of course, this will attract tourists to enjoy the coastal atmosphere from the boat, fishing or enjoying the sunset.

The fee for renting a boat can be made per person or per boat, just according to the customer's request.

However, large enough capital is needed to run this business. Especially if the boat used has good safety standards.

If your capital is low, you can cooperate with local fishermen. With a profit-sharing system, boats that are not used to go to sea can be leased to tourists. Don't forget to provide buoys to prevent the risk of deadlines due to marine accidents.

That's information about business opportunities for coastal communities. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.