Buntut Aiman Disita Berbult Panjang, Kompolnas Bakal Surati Kapolda Metro

JAKARTA - The National Police Commission or Kompolnas will write to the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto regarding the steps taken by investigators who confiscated the cellphone belonging to Aiman Witjaksono in handling the alleged spread of false news 'the police are not neutral'. Commissioner of Kompolnas, Poengky Indrati said the letter was a follow-up to the complaint of Aiman Witjaksono received on Tuesday, January 30. "We will process the complaint of Aiman by sending a clarification letter to the Polda Metro Jaya, addressed to the Kapolda Metro Jaya and Irwasda," said Poengky when confirmed, Wednesday, January 31. Currently, Kompolnas is still in the process of making a letter of clarification. Later, when it is completed, it will be immediately sent to the Polda Metro Jaya. "We are currently processing it, and we will immediately send it to Polda Metro Jaya. We hope that our clarification letter will be responded to soon," said Poengky. Aiman Witjaksono is known to have complained to Kompolnas regarding the confiscation of his cellphone. There are two things that are applications, namely requests for protection and supervision of investigators' work in the case of alleged spreading of the fake news. The confiscation of the cellphone was carried out after investigators examined Aiman Witjaksono for 12 hours on January 26.

Amad at that time was worried about the confiscation of his cellphone by investigators. Because, he was able to reveal the identity of the resource person or informant who stated that there were non-neutral persons in the 2024 election. "We were examined for 12 hours, there was a break several times earlier and I had to tell you even though my cellphone finally had to be confiscated, but I am committed not to mention who my sources are, because I believe they are good people whose identities must be protected," he said.