North Sumatra Police Arrest Motorcycle Gangs In Medan To Langkat

The North Sumatra Police (North Sumatra) arrested eight people who were members of a motorcycle gang that committed violent theft crimes in three areas.

"This motorcycle gang gang committed a violent theft crime in Binjai City, Medan City and Langkat Regency," said Head of Public Relations Kombes Hadi Wahyudi in Medan as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 30.

Hadi said the motorcycle gang was arrested by the North Sumatra Police Head of Sub-Directorate for Jatanras who conducted an investigation into public reports related to crimes on the streets.

"The team arrested the perpetrators with the initials RP alias Batak and AS alias CS on Jalan Bejemuna, Langkat Regency," said Hadi.

The two arrested perpetrators are also the development of the previous arrests of motorcycle gangs, namely FS, NA, EET, M, D and D.

"When the interrogation was carried out, their gang had carried out their actions seven times in Medan, Binjai and Langkat," he said.

The modus operandi of the perpetrators was to convoy on the road, then threaten the victim using a sharp weapon.

"With the threat of using the sharp weapon, the perpetrators carried the victim's motorbike," said Hadi.

He explained that from the results of the crime, the perpetrators bought drugs which were proven to be all positive for narcotics.

Previously, the Belawan Police, who were part of the North Sumatra Regional Police, arrested nine robbers who carried out acts of theft and violence in a number of areas in Medan and surrounding areas.

The suspects arrested were the man with the initials R (18), JAP (18), AP (18), DGR (18), SF (19), RP (18), ES (20), MTD (20) and AR (18).

The chronology of the robbery arrests made by the Belawan Harbor Police Jatanras Team began with reports of brawls in the Belawan area on Thursday (11/1) at 04.30 WIB.