Head Of Authority Denies Allegations Of Deforestation Due To IKN Development: Totally Wrong!

The Capital Authority of the Archipelago (OIKN) has denied allegations that there was deforestation in line with the construction of the IKN megaproject in East Kalimantan.

"It is important for us to show that (the development of IKN) is not that way. Completely wrong, failed to understand, that's if we say that we will destroy the forest," said Head of the IKN Authority Bambang Susantono at a press conference at the Kominfo office, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 30.

Bambang even claimed that IKN Nusantara is the only national capital that has a road map to overcome climate change. He said the roadmap that his party built was international and recognized by the world.

"Because of the accusations of deforestation, that's why we have launched a roadmap at the Dubai meeting and it is very well appreciated by the international community," he said.

With the climate change roadmap that has been created by OIKN, Bambang said that the construction of the new capital city was actually carried out to overcome climate change. "Come on, the opposite is what we are doing," said Bambang.

In addition, Bambang said, his party will launch the Biological Diversity Master Plan in March 2024, which coincides with World Forest Day or International Day of Forests.

"Regarding biodiversity, we also want to have the right planning for this. God willing, this March on World Forest Day, we launch the Biological Diversity Master Plan," he added.