Encouraging Information Disclosure, Bank DKI Wins Best PR In Digital Transformation Award

JAKARTA - Achievement in early 2024, Bank DKI received an award as Best Public Relation in Digital Transformation Initiative to Expand Accessibility and Increase Value Added Product and Service, (Category: Regional Bank) to the Head of the Bank DKI Investor Relations Division, Fakhrurroji for the active efforts of Bank DKI to build company publications through innovation and information delivery to the public positively.

This award was given by the CEO of Warta Ekonomi Group at the Indonesia Public Relations Awards (IPRA) 2024 in Jakarta on Thursday, January 25. The IPRA 2024 award is given to public relations companies that have excellent roles and functions to improve the company's quality in the midst of increasingly fierce industrial competition and improving Indonesian economic conditions.

Director of Technology and Operations concurrently Assignment (Plt.) President Director of Bank DKI, Amirul Wicaksono said that as a financial services business actor, Bank DKI always builds communication that is open to all stakeholders, providing protection to consumers through transparency of product and service information and handling of excellent customer complaints.

Furthermore, he also conveyed that in dealing with the era of digitalization, banks are required to continuously provide banking services that provide convenience to customers and consumer protection through transparent and open communication. This award is a form of recognition of Bank DKI's commitment to building communication and information disclosure consistently by conveying information in a transparent, accurate and clear manner, as a form of our responsibility to all stakeholders, shareholders, and the public in general.

"Through digital transformation carried out by Bank DKI, information and communication management prioritizes the importance of information disclosure appropriately and measurably to build a good corporate reputation considering that Bank DKI is a financial service institution supervised by regulators such as the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Bank Indonesia (BI)," Amirul said, in his statement, Monday, January 29. Bank DKI Corporate Secretary Arie Rinaldi expressed his appreciation for the award given. Arie said that the role of public relations is very important in the digital era and always has to always adapt and innovate in maintaining company and public relations to maintain the sustainability of his company's business activities.

In addition, Bank DKI also continues to actively socialize various information regarding the security of digital banking transactions and transparency of product and service information.

"Bank DKI has a high concern for consumer protection, especially in the midst of the rise of cyber crime by continuing to provide education to customers and also the wider community," said Arie.

"Along with continued growth, Bank DKI remains committed to maintaining strong relations with all elements. Bank DKI realizes that open trust and communication are very important in building long-term partnerships, and will continue to prioritize these values in interaction with the entire community and stakeholders," concluded Arie.