There Are Still Many Less Nutrition, Prabowo Will Also Give Teachers Free Food

Presidential Candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto attended a discussion entitled 'Financial Industry & Capital Market On Roadmap Towards Golden Indonesia' which was held by the Prabowo-Gibran National Economic Movement Volunteer or Genderang at Ritz Carlton.

In his remarks, Prabowo revealed his findings while traveling to regions in Indonesia. Prabowo said that there are still many teachers who are malnourished. Therefore, not only children, his party will also provide free lunch to the teachers.

Prabowo initially said that there were 17 priority programs with 9 programs that were targeted to be enjoyed by the people quickly and best. One of them is the mainstay program to provide free lunch and milk for children and pregnant women.

"We don't want the best results, anytime. Our people need the best results quickly. Among them, we will provide lunch and milk at school. In all schools and in all Islamic boarding schools in the Republic of Indonesia. Including children who are still pregnant with their mothers," said Prabowo, Monday, January 29.

His party, Prabowo continued, had calculated 82.9 million people who needed nutritious lunch. Prabowo said his team had also tried pilot projects in several provinces, had been implemented, and succeeded.

"But we found something, in some areas it turns out that not only children, the teachers are also malnourished. Many teachers who get income are really very low," he said.

Therefore, the Minister of Defense will add free lunch programs for teachers and teaching staff. His team, he said, would also improve the number of people who needed nutrition improvement.

"I got a report from one of our pilot projects when we distributed food to the children, there was a teacher who saw it. Finally, the cooking team didn't reach the heart, which added to the teachers. It turned out that the teachers ate well too," he said.

"So brothers and sisters, this lunch is about our calculation, maybe the value is 34 billion US dollars, every year, but the teacher has not counted it. If the teacher calculates it, it will increase later," continued the General Chairperson of Gerindra.

For information, Prabowo was present with the Chairman of the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN) as well as the General Chair of Kadin for the 2015-2021 period, Rosan Roeslani.

Also present were Deputy Chairperson of TKN Eddy Soeparno, Secretary General of Volunteers for Genderang Muhammad Idrus and economic activist Wisnu Wardhana.