Out Of Drug Rehabilitation, Revaldo Is Busy Opening Conseling Services To Fellow Friends

JAKARTA - Artist Revaldo admitted that he had been carrying out rehabilitation for almost 6 months at the BNN Lido Rehabilitation Center some time ago.

Seeing this, Revaldo admitted that he was grateful to be able to complete the entire rehabilitation program in its entirety. Now he fills a lot of seminars about his life experience so far.

"Yes, I'm in Lido, I'm actually running the full program until it's finished. Duh, I forgot (when did I leave), I'm still in the program, but now I'm just taking seminars. So now I'm sharing whatever stories I can share," said Revaldo in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Friday, January 26.

Not only filling in seminars related to drugs, the owner of the real name Revaldo Fifaldi Surya Permana is also busy opening counseling for fellow friends related to mental health.

"At least help my friends, continue to discuss offices, acting with friends who need counseling too. There are many (conselings), about mental health, I really feel like friends are chatting about giving new perspectives," he explained.

Not without reason, he did this because he felt that his friends had been helping him a lot so he wanted to repay their kindness by opening counseling.

"In the past year, it's been pretty good. There are a lot of friends who keep talking to me, it's like 'oh, helping each other' because sometimes I also help them," explained Revaldo.

"I also help other people, because I also help other people. So I help people so that people can help me too," he concluded.