Coordination Meeting For The Leadership Of Pordasi 2024: Postponing National Conference For Indonesia's Equestrian Strategic Plan

JAKARTA - The Central Board of the All-Indonesian Equestrian Sports Association (PP Pordasi) held a Leadership Coordination Meeting (rakor) entitled Welcoming A More Achieved Pordasi Future at the Aston Kartika Grogol Hotel, West Jakarta, on Saturday, January 27, 2024.

The coordination meeting resulted in several strategic decisions that had been agreed upon by dozens of chairmen and the General Secretary of the Pordasi Provincial Management (Pengprov) from 24 invitations.

First, regarding the Pordasi National Conference (Munas). The management of the 2020-2024 term of service actually ends in January 2024.

However, the coordination meeting participants agreed to follow the Central Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) as the parent of PP Pordasi, which has issued Decree Number 195 of 2023 concerning the Extension of the 2020-2024 PP Pordasi Management Period until November 2024.

Previously, many Central KONI members asked for an extension of their service because PP Pordasi needed to focus on preparing for the implementation of the 2024 Aceh-Sumut PON.

The PON match requires the attention of PP Pordasi, in addition to preparations by the Pengprov. The management transition during the preparation period of PON is claimed to have a negative impact.

"PON is the biggest sporting event in Indonesia. Therefore, it requires careful planning and preparation. Organizations must have had meetings. However, in this case the Central KONI issued a policy letter for its members."

"There is a policy for both sports and KONI Provinces to compete in PON. For those who have a National Conference and Musorprov agenda in 2024, suspend the agenda after the PON activities are completed," said the Head of the Central KONI Organization.

So far, there are only two sports that have postponed the National Conference to focus on preparing PON. One other sport is PP Perbasi.

However, sports that do not participate in the 2024 Aceh-North PON can hold a National Conference as planned.

In addition to the National Conference issue, the second strategic decision is related to the transformation of the PP Pordasi organization. The discussion was continued by a team at the 2023 Pordasi National Working Meeting (Rakernas) in Yogyakarta.

The results of the team's study will later be reported to the National Working Meeting of PP Pordasi 2024 which will be held after the 2024 General Election and then taken to the Extraordinary National Conference (Munaslub) PP Pordasi 2024.

The purpose of transforming the PP Pordasi organization is to focus more on paying attention to athlete development. As a result, each commission will also develop.

PP Pordasi is currently a single federation. It is planned that this status will be upgraded to the National Confederation of Pordasi which houses four federations, namely Pordasi Pacu, Pordasi Equestrian, Pordasi Polo, and Pordasi Berdas Berdagang Memah.

As a result, the four federations can relate to their respective international federations and can provide better coaching because autonomy is wider.

"On behalf of PP Pordasi, I would like to thank the presence of the Chairmen of the Pordasi Pengprov for the Coordination Meeting in 2024. There is a lot that we need to do together so that it needs to be discussed so that the plan we have prepared can run well, smoothly, and successfully as expected to improve Pordasi's achievements," said Head of PP Pordasi, Triwatty Marciano.

" menutup Rakor pada kali ini, saya berharap dengan semua diskusi yang kita menjalani selama dua hari ini, nantinya Pordasi semakin baik dalam segi prestasi atau kualitas organisasinya," ujarnya.

The Pordasi Leadership Coordination Meeting was also attended by Deputy II PP Pordasi Widodo Edi Sektianto, Korbag Endurance Otto Satyawan, and DKI Jakarta Pordasi Secretary Robby Ferliansyah.

In addition, he was also present as one of the speakers, namely the Head of the Central KONI Organization Major General TNI Purn Eko Budi Soepriyanto.