Collaboration Is The Keyword For The Development Of Islamic Boarding School Digital Media
JAKARTA - Director of the Boarding School and Community Development Association (P3M) KH. Sarmidi Husna said there was a need for collaboration from various parties to develop a digital media pesantren. This is because the current digital media pesantren has not been able to develop properly. There are many things that need to be addressed for future development.
This was said by KH. Sarmidi Husna in Halaqah Strengthening and Development of Islamic Boarding School Digital Media in Jakarta, Thursday, January 25. This meeting wants to discuss how to develop digital media in Islamic boarding schools which are still not happy. In addition, this meeting also discusses guidelines related to digital media itself," he said.
According to him, the skills of pesantren digital media managers still need to be improved. I think the skills of pesantren media managers need to be improved. For example, in terms of digital ethics. Digital ethics is possible from the content side. What limits do content need to know? For example, what kind of content should be received and so on, "he added.
In addition, he also understands digital culture. Kiai Sarmidi then gave an example of digital safety. That is also very necessary and pay attention to the world of pesantren," he said. Departing from this requires collaboration. P3M can't be alone. Then Google can't be alone either. Likewise with Tempo Institute and We need collaboration for future pesantren development," he said.
Responding to this, Collin Nursatriawan Google Education Specialist Indonesia Team Lead welcomed the desire for this collaboration. We are ready to cooperate with pesantren. Incidentally, we also have an educational program to create an education ecosystem in schools. This digital ecosystem is what we think can improve the quality of education. And this can be applied in Islamic boarding schools.
Meanwhile, the Director of the tempo Institute, Qaris Tajudin, said that there are many things that need to be mapped about this pesantren digital media. What problem is in the pesantren media that needs to be studied more deeply. Is the pesantren media a medium for da'wah? Or the pesantren media is only a means of socializing pesantren activities. This is what we need to pay attention to first, "said Qaris.
Padahal menurut Qaris, kebutuhan Informasi tentang Islam sangat tinggi. Terbukti sekarang media-media mainstream ada banyak yang menurunkan tulis-tulisan tentang Islam. Media-media besar nasional saat ini banyak konten ke Islam. Nah ini bukti bahwa pemantik masyarakat tentang khazanah Islam itu sangat tinggi, ungkapnya.
The same thing was also expressed by Dedik Priyanto of According to Dedik, almost all major media contain writings about Islam. But this big medium has now changed. They do not carelessly quote writings about Islam. They are more careful, "said Dedik.
The Halaqah Strategis and Digital Media Development of Islamic Boarding Schools was attended by participants from several Islamic boarding schools throughout Jabodetabek. In addition, journalists who have a santri background. There was a speaker at the event including Devie Rahmawati from the Kominfo Digital Literacy Team. Then Collin Nursatiawan Google Education Specialist Indonesia Team Lead. As well as Qaris Tajudin from Tempo Institute and Dedik Priyanto from