OIKN Leaks There Will Be A Fifth Stage Groundbreaking, When?

The Capital Authority of the Archipelago (OIKN) said that the laying of the first stone or groundbreaking will continue in the near future.

OIKN chief Bambang Susantono said the fifth phase of the groundbreaking will be carried out soon.

"We want (the next groundbreaking) to have complete ecosystems. That is, for example, hospitals (RS) have 4, hotel 6, malls if I'm not mistaken, around 4. We want other equipment, for example, the banking sector," Bambang told reporters, quoted on Saturday, January 27.

Bambang said the fifth groundbreaking would be carried out by adjusting the schedule of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). "It depends on the schedule of the president," he said.

When asked further about the fifth phase of the groundbreaking that will be carried out in February, Bambang responded with a laugh. "Hehehe," he said.

As for now, there have been four groundbreakings by private investors at IKN which have been going on for four periods, namely stages 1,2,3 and 4.

Groundbreaking phase 1 takes place in September 2023, phase 2 will be held 1-3 November 2023, the third stage will be carried out on 20-21 December 2023.

Then, for the fourth stage of groundbreaking itself, it was only carried out on January 17, 2024.

As of January 2024, the total investment value that has been included in the IKN project has reached IDR 47.5 trillion.