Ministry Of Transportation: 15 Pioneer Flight Routes In Nabire Already Operate

JAKARTA - The 2024 Pioneer Air Transport Program at the Nabire Regional Coordinator (Korwil) has begun. A total of 15 flight routes are already operating.

The inaugural flight will be carried out in early January 2024 as a follow-up to the signing of the pioneer air transportation contract.

The Director General of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) M. Kristi Endah Murni said the program was a manifestation of the government's vision to be present in all regions of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

"After signing the pioneer air transportation contract in early January, almost all of the regional circuits have made their first flights," he said in an official statement, Friday, January 26.

Kristi said that each Regional Coordinator and Air Transport Business Entity (BUAU) could carry out the contract properly, according to the agreed provisions.

"The provision of pioneer air transportation subsidies is certainly expected to boost the economy, stability of the country's resilience and security, especially in 3TP areas (frontier, outermost, remote, and border)," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Class II Nabire Airport Organizing Unit (UPBU), Setyani Mahendra, stated that the Nabire Regional Office serves 15 passenger pioneer flight routes this year.

"Alhamdulillah, the inaugural flight went smoothly," he said.

Setyani reminded that the majority of natural contours in Papua are in the form of mountains with steep valleys. Therefore, he said, air transportation is the only one that can reach remote areas with an airfield.

The Air Transport Business Entity that serves the passenger's pioneering air transportation program is PT. Smart Cakrawala Aviation.

"We certainly hope that this pioneering air transportation subsidy program can be carried out properly without significant obstacles so that it can really help people who need air transportation," he said.

The following is the Korwil Nabire per Sunday served:

1. Nabire - Moanamani (PP): 2 times

2. Nabire - Bilorai (PP): 3 times

3. Nabire - Faowi (PP): 2 times

4. Nabire - Mulia (PP): 3 times

5. Nabire - Ilu (PP): 2 times

6. Nabire - Ilaga (PP): 3 times

7. Nabire - Enarotali (PP): 3 times

8. Nabire - Sinak (PP): 2 times

9. Nabire - Waghete (PP): 3 times

10. Waghete - Kapiraya (PP): 2 times

11. Nabire - Beoga (PP): 1 time

12. Nabire - Wasior (PP): 1 time

13. Nabire - Dagai (PP): 1 time

14. Nabire - Utarom (PP): 1 time

15. Nabire - Pogapa (PP): 1 time