Sequencing Bibliography, How To Write It In Paper Or Scientific Works, To Examples
YOGYAKARTA The bibliography must be written according to its order. This rule applies, especially in the preparation of scientific works that are studied. Students, students, and workers in the academic field must know the right literature list.
As is known, the bibliography is a page that contains a list of all sources, both in the form of theory and quotes used in compiling scientific works. The function of the bibliography is as reference data, data boosters, so that it becomes evidence that the non-fiction paper is truly scientific.
In compiling the bibliography, the author must write down source data according to the order, both in books, journals, magazines, and other text sources. Here is the correct sequence of bibliography.
Every element on the bibliography has its own rules in writing. Each element must be followed by a point mark (.). Here's how to write a bibliography.
The first data that was written was the name of the author of the work. However, the way to write the name in the library list is to start from the last name/family name, after which it is followed by a coma (,), then include middle name (optional) and last name.
After the author's name is complete, include the year of publication. This data can be seen on the home page after the cover and title. If the year is not clear, you can search for the year on the internet.
It is required to include a title of the work referred to. Titles should not be shortened or added. This is done as proof that the source used is scientific.
It must also include publishers who publish books/journals/or works referred to. The publisher's name can be found on the front, back, to the middle page. If there is no name, your publisher can use the party that publishes the nasah.
Next is to include publishing information. Information can be in the form of a place or city, it could also be other information. This information is also listed on the front page. Meanwhile, information on the issuance of journal articles or scientific papers has their own format, namely in the form of numbers and volume of writing.
For writing to make it easier, take a look at several examples of bibliography from various sources, namely as follows.
Santoso, Budi. 2024. Basic Physical Sciences. Yogyakarta: Wood Publisher
Afrizal R. 2001. Method of throwing Modern Lembing [thesis]. Yogyakarta: Yogyakarta State University
Purwadi, SB, & Kumalasari. (2001). Impact of Verbal Violence Against Children. Journal of Psychology, 16 (1), 89-108.
Fanny Duta. 2022. The trigger for the Jogja Weather is very hot. VoiNews. News. [Access January 4, 2022]. http://voi/penyecukan-cuaca-jogja-panas-sekali.
Asep D, Roger, Suparman. 2018. Dampak kebijakan harga minyak terhadap pedagang gorengan. J Agribiz Indonesia. [diakses 2018 Nov 21]; 4(2):91-106. https://journal.ipb.
That's information regarding the sequence of bibliography. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.