Bulog's SPHP Rice With A Presidential Election Participants, Cak Imin: No Ethics

JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate (cawapres) Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin said the pairs of presidential candidates (candidates) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres) attached stickers to rice sacks for social assistance (bansos) included the niretic candidate.

"If there is a candidate pair, any number that puts stickers/images on social assistance, it is niretical, has no ethics, is embarrassing, has no self-respect," said Cak Imin after consolidation with supporters in Badung Regency, Bali, Friday.

Cak Imin did not hesitate to call the candidate pair poor.

On that occasion, he also asked prospective members of the legislature from PKB and supporters of Anies-Muhaimin not to imitate by riding campaigns through people's rights.

According to him, distributing social assistance should be a responsibility, not a ride. This was conveyed when asked about the circulation of Bulog's SPHP rice with a sticker attached to one of the 2024 presidential election participants.

"AMIN wins, social assistance will be improved, the quality will be better, the spread will be better, and given to those who need it the most and who are most entitled. God willing, social assistance plus will be the best model from now on," he said.

In addition to asking supporters and cadres not to misuse social assistance, Muhaimin Iskandar also praised cadres who have anti-corruption commitments.

It is known that there are billboards for legislative candidates from the party which read that they are ready to be shot dead if they are proven to be corrupt, according to Cak Imin, this is a good thing.

"Yes, it's good, the main thing is that anti-corruption commitments are proven by improving the system, increasing clean officers is the most important thing, so that corruptors do not catch corruptors," he said.

In his oration in front of Balinese citizens, Cak Imin offers programs related to fair efforts towards small communities.

Some were mentioned about its plan to facilitate capital for MSMEs, provide fertilizer for farmers, stop food estates, and form good education in realizing superior human resources.