Leaf Boiling To Lower High Triglycerides: Here Are The 3 Most Intensive Recommendations

YOGYAKARTA - Reducing high triglycerides with natural methods is still an option. Among other things, by consuming leaf cooking to reduce high triglycerides.

High triglycerides themselves describe unhealthy conditions including cholesterol metabolic syndrome, high blood sugar, obesity, and high blood pressure. Here are 3 effective leaves to reduce high triglycerides and methods to prevent them from surging again:

1. Kelor leaves

The high triglyceride and bad cholesterol levels can also be treated by cooking kelor leaves. Not only that, kelor leaves also help increase good cholesterol content (HDL) which is very meaningful for the body.

2. Sirih Leave

Betel leaf boiled water can help reduce high triglycerides and cholesterol thanks to eugenol content. These antibacterial and antioxidant compounds can overcome high triglycerides and cholesterol.

3. Salam leaf

Rich in flavonoidal and quersetin active substances, greeting leaf boiled water can reduce triglycerides and avoid dislipidemia. Salam leaf boiled water can also reduce serum glucose, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol.

Although the three dishes above are able to reduce triglyceride levels and bad cholesterol, they should undergo changes in their healthy lifestyle so as not to recur.

Several sources say, there are a number of methods of tackling natural triglycerides so as not to spike. The following include:

With the explanation above, in addition to high triglycerides and bad cholesterol dropping, sufferers also avoid complications such as heart attacks, hardening of arteries, and pancreatitis.

Causes Of High Triglycerides

High triglycerides can be caused by many different things, widely described as lifestyle triggers, genetic causes, medical conditions, and medicines:

Why Is High Triglycerides Dangerous?

High levels of triglycerides are associated with liver and pancreas problems. High triglycerides tend to appear to coincide with other problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and high levels of LDL cholesterol and low levels of HDL cholesterol. So, it's difficult to identify for sure which problems are caused by high triglycerides.

As an example, some people have genetic states that in fact cause high triglyceride levels. Even so, they do not have an increased risk of heart disease. However, there are some facts that triglycerides are high on their own, and increase the risk of disease. Other studies show that high triglycerides can only play a small role when the risk of other heart disease is taken into account.

Overall, it is important to remember that increasing your diet and lifestyle will reduce triglycerides and reduce the overall risk of heart problems and blood vessels.

In addition, we also provide an article, 'Manfaat Air Rebusan Serai for Health' for your recommendation to live a healthy life with natural ingredients.

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