Atta Halilintar Hopes New Home To Be A Source Of Blessing Even Though There Was A Mistical Incident

JAKARTA - Atta Halilintar recently uploaded a moment when his new house was being held by Ruqyah. However, at that moment, it was seen that there was a mystical incident that happened to guests and their household members.

Seeing this, Aurel Hermansyah's husband said that it was an obligation if the new house had to be done ruqyah. And coincidentally, one of the workers is sensitive to mystical things.

"How about it, I mean, yes, the name of the new house must be in ruqyah first, but maybe when there is a prayer, there is something in my household that is sensitive," said Atta Halilintar in Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, Thursday, January 25.

Atta said that previously, many workers at his house had experienced strange incidents in his new home. But this has often happened at his old house as well.

"(If I was) not until now but if Ms. I did, my driver felt something was strange," continued Atta Halilintar.

"Yes, it seems like he feels like something is like that, actually there is something like that at home for a long time, actually if he is at home, he likes to feel better, pray for it first, so we enter politely," he said.

Even though they were repeatedly disturbed by mystical things, Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah still hoped that their new home would still bring blessings to their families.

"Hopefully it will be a source of many blessings in that house," he concluded.