After Leaking Recordings Allegedly Criticizing PM Netanyahu, United States Praises Qatar: Irreplaceable Key Partner

JAKARTA - The US State Department defended Qatar as a mediator in negotiations between Israel and Hamas, after a recording allegedly emerged of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticizing the Gulf state's role as "problematic."

In a daily press conference, the ministry's deputy spokesman Vedant Patel was asked whether PM Netanyahu's remarks were hampering talks on a new hostage release deal, after Qatar said it was "surprised" by the remarks.

"I do not have any judgment on these comments or some of the audio that has been circulating," said Patel, according to The Times of Israel, January 26.

"What I can say and I talked a little bit about this yesterday is, Qatar has been an integral, irreplaceable, key regional partner, not only in terms of the current ongoing conflict, but also other priorities that the United States has. have in the area," he explained.

"We look forward to continuing to deepen our partnership with them and working with them on a number of key issues," he added.

As previously reported, a leaked recording of a meeting with the hostage's family was broadcast on Israeli news channel Channel 12 on Tuesday, allegedly Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Qatar "problematic."

"You've never seen me thank Qatar, have you noticed? I haven't thanked Qatar. Why? Because Qatar, for me, is basically no different from the UN, from the Red Cross, and in some ways even more problematic. But, now I am willing to use any mediator who can help me bring them (the hostages) home," he said as reported by Reuters.

Qatar believes that a leaked recording of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu allegedly calling the country problematic could hinder and weaken the mediation process for the war in Gaza.

"We are shocked by the alleged statements attributed to the Israeli Prime Minister in various media reports regarding Qatar's mediation role," said Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesman Majed Al Ansari, via social media platform X.

"If the reported statements are true, the Israeli PM will only obstruct and undermine the mediation process, for reasons that appear to benefit his political career over prioritizing saving innocent lives, including Israeli hostages," he wrote.

In the recording, Netanyahu goes on to say that Qatar has influence over Hamas because they fund the movement. He told the hostage's family he had recently "become very angry with America" ​​for renewing a deal to expand the US military presence at a base in Qatar.

In response, a Qatari spokesman said in a statement: "Instead of worrying about Qatar's strategic relations with the United States, we hope Netanyahu decides to act in good faith and concentrate on freeing the hostages."

Qatar is known to have played a role as the main mediator between the militant group that controls Gaza and Israeli officials in the conflict.

In November, Qatar helped secure a seven-day lull in fighting, during which 110 Israeli and foreign hostages were released from Gaza in exchange for 240 Palestinians released from Israeli captivity.