3 Methamphetamine Dealers In Gorontalo Arrested, Package Delivery Mode

GORONTALO - The Opsnal Team of the Gorontalo Police Narcotics Directorate arrested three residents in Gorontalo Province, who were involved in possession of narcotics class one type of methamphetamine.

Head of the Gorontalo Police Public Relations Sub Division AKBP Mashar Torada said the three men, each with the initials BA, RD and IH, were secured by the Opsnal team at different times and locations.

"They were secured for ownership of 22 grams of crystal methamphetamine packaged in 30 small plastic bags," said AKBP Mashar Torada, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 25.

The chronology of the secured three people, he said, began with information from residents about the delivery of packages of methamphetamine from Central Sulawesi Province to Gorontalo through one of the travel businesses using land transportation services.

After confirming the truth of the information, the Opsnal team led by AKP Ivan Rolan conducted an investigation and reconnaissance at one of the travel businesses in the land transportation terminal area of Gorontalo City.

After a while, the team saw BA coming to the place, then leaving with a package so BA, who was aware of his actions, was monitored by the police, tried to escape. However, he was successfully secured and witnessed by local residents.

After a search was carried out, the package he picked up from the travel effort turned out to be 30 kg of plastic bags containing clear crystal grains which were confirmed to be methamphetamine.

"BA admitted that RD was only ordered to pick up the package, so the Opsnal team immediately searched for it to secure RD at his residence in Bone Bolango Regency," said AKBP Mashar Torada.

Furthermore, according to RD's statement during interrogation, he admitted that he was only ordered by IH to take the package, so the Opsnal team immediately searched for IH until he managed to secure it in a different location.

"The modus operandi in this case is to use a delivery service with a fake address, and we have revealed this mode several times," said Mashar.

He said that currently BA, RD and IH status are categorized as dealers, which is based on the 2009 Narcotics Law, that if the evidence found has a weight of more than five grams, then the penalty threat is higher than below five grams.

"For the articles we suspect, namely Article 114 paragraph 2, Sub-Article 112 paragraph 2, Sub-Article 132 paragraph 1 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics," he added.