Coordinating Minister For Human Development And Culture Puan Maharani Is Sad That Many Indonesian Children Don't Memorize Regional Songs In Today's Memory, January 26, 2018

JAKARTA Memories of today, six years ago, January 26, 2018, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK), Puan Maharani admitted that she was sad because many Indonesian children did not memorize regional songs. They memorize adult songs such as those by Via Vallen.

Previously, the Indonesian government had a dream of advancing character education towards the nation's children. All of this was formulated in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 87 of 2017 concerning Strengthening Character Education.

Each leader of the nation has his own teachings in fostering nationalism and national character. Soekarno, for example. The 1st president of Indonesia has a lesson by prohibiting the presence of western music. Music is inundated ngok as Bung Karno said is considered not to reflect the identity of the nation.

The music is considered a manifestation of cultural imperialism. Bung Karno took a stand. Big Brother issued Presidential Determination Number 11 of 1963 of the Criminal Code. It contained the prohibition of the Indonesian people from singing Western-based music.

The determination was made so that the nation's children preserve Indonesian culture. However, the prohibition resulted in condemnation. Not much different conditions also occurred in the New Order era (Orba).

The Suharto government did not want to lose. The New Order (Orba) does not prohibit the presence of western songs, but the government prohibits songs with a cryy narrative.

Take for example the song Betharia Sonata-Hati yang Luka (1987). The song is considered not a national character. Instead of Betharia Sonata's song for the productive Indonesian nation, the song is considered an New Order with the potential to hinder national development.

The government was also flooded with criticism. The government is considered by musicians to kill creativity. The challenge of fostering nationalism is then trying to be presented again during the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) administration. The owner of the power considers it important to strengthen character development.

This wish was then expressed in Presidential Decree Number 87 of 2017 concerning Strengthening Character Education. The presence of the Presidential Regulation is like a 'gun' of the central government inviting local governments and their staff to participate in preserving local culture, especially regional songs. This step was taken so that the whole of Indonesia could absorb the noble values of the nation.

"That Indonesia as a cultured nation is a country that upholds noble morals, noble values, wisdom, and character. That in order to realize a cultured nation through strengthening religious, honest, tolerant, disciplined, working hard, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, national spirit".

Followed by the attitude of love for the country, respecting achievement, communicative, peaceful love, reading, caring for the environment, social care, and being responsible. Everything needs to strengthen character education," is the content of the considerations in Presidential Decree No. 87 of 2017.

The presence of the Presidential Regulation began to communicate to all ministers from the Jokowi government. Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Puan Maharani, for example. He not only has a mission to introduce the idea of a mental revolution, but also invites all levels of local government to teachers to participate to strengthen character education.

The mission made Puan visit the School Plus Cinta Budaya, Medan, North Sumatra on January 26, 2018. He filled out discussions related to: Teacher's Role in National Character Development. Megawati Soekarnoputri's son invited teachers to actively teach while introducing regional songs.

Puan feels that introducing regional songs has high urgency. Because, he is sad to see Indonesian children memorize many adult songs such as the song Via Vallen. Problems arise. Regional songs become unknown to the younger generation.

"Teachers must be able to direct how children can learn as they must be taught through character education, both intra and extracurricular. Here teachers must teach national and regional songs. So students must memorize it with regional songs, because nowadays many children memorize adult songs. In fact, in Java, we memorize the song Via Vallen," said Puan as quoted on the Kumparan page, January 26, 2018.