KPK Reminds Social Assistance Should Not Be Infiltrated By The Interests Of The Presidential Election With Candidate Photos/Stikers

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the KPK Alexander Marwata highlighted the circulating photo of Bulog's social assistance being affixed with a presidential candidate pair sticker.

"Regarding the social assistance that has certain logos for candidates, once again we at the KPK have actually repeatedly reminded them of the possibility of conflicts of interest," Alex told reporters, Thursday, January 25.

According to him, conflicts of interest in the distribution of social assistance during the General Election (Pemilu) do not always talk about profits in the form of money. However, it is more about the image of the party that provides it.

"Where the candidates are trying to attract sympathy from the people with assistance with candidate pairs logos, certain people may not understand how the state's financial mechanism is with the logo of a certain partner," he said.

''People who don't understand see that this social assistance is the source of money from the couple concerned," continued Alex.

Even though the social assistance funds are sourced from the state budget which is state money, not individual.

Therefore, said Alex, if there must be a logo for the presidential and vice-presidential candidates, it cannot be just one candidate. However, the three pairs in the 2024 presidential election contestation.

"If you want to be fair, the three pairs must be in the social assistance sack, if you want to be fair, so that the public is also socialized who the presidential candidate is pair number 1, number 2, number 3, not just one pair," said Alex.

As previously reported, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin stated that Bawaslu was authorized to investigate the issue of alleged politicization of social assistance rice which was used as a means of campaign in the 2024 General Election.

"I think only problems related to elections or campaigns will be submitted to Bawaslu," said Vice President Ma'ruf as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, January 25.

The statement was made by Vice President Ma'ruf when responding to a photo of Bulog rice that was affixed by a sticker of the presidential candidate pair and vice presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka circulating on social media X.

The rice in the 5 kilogram plastic bag packaging is a government rice reserve for the Food Supply and Price Stabilization (SPHP) program.

"Let Bawaslu give (a decision) later, whether there is a violation or not," said the Vice President.