Atikoh Guarantees Ganjar-Mahfud Will Give Incentives To Posyandu Cadres, But The Number Is Still A Secret

PROBOLINGGO - Siti Atikoh said that posyandu cadres were the concern of pair number three, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD. Ganjar's wife said there would be incentives for those who became grassroots in the health sector.

This was conveyed by Atikoh when he was present at Akas Garage, Probolinggo City, East Java on Thursday, January 25. Initially, he mentioned the role of posyandu cadres for toddlers and the elderly.

"Because I have been the Head of the PKK Mobilization Team for 10 years, I am very aware that my mother's work is extraordinary. It is the spearhead, the end of the tombok," said Atikoh in front of the residents present.

Atikoh then mentioned that posyandu cadres often move independently for various needs, such as providing additional food for toddlers. "Posyandu cadres sometimes have contributions," he said.

In the future, Ganjar-Mahfud will seek incentives for posyandu cadres. Considering that some of them do not receive honorarium even though they have a big responsibility such as pursuing the polio vaccine to prevent extraordinary events (KLB).

"God willing, in the vision and mission of Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, you really understand the task of burdening posyandu cadres, God willing, you will get attention," he said.

It's just that, Atikoh still has the amount of the meeting. "In detail, I haven't dared to say it. Let it be discussed later even though I know the calculation a little," he said.

In addition, posyandu cadres will also be given training. So, they can provide education on prevention of various diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.

"Posyandu cadres will be given training to campaign for prevention by means of a healthy lifestyle, how to eat," concluded Atikoh.