Walkot Semarang Claims 3 Percent Of Flood Areas Stay In Genuk, Pedurungan, North Semarang

SemarANG - Mayor of Semarang Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu said that there are only three percent of the flooded areas in the capital city of Central Java with various countermeasures being carried out.

"In Semarang there are still three percent of flood areas, but most importantly flood inundation occurred in three sub-districts, namely Genuk, Pedurungan, and North Semarang," said Ita, Hevearita's nickname, in Semarang as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, January 25.

According to him, the Semarang City Government continues to make efforts to handle flood-prone areas and tidal waves, starting from improving drainage or waterways to installing piles for water holders.

In 2024, he said, the flooded areas in Semarang City have begun to decrease with various handlings carried out by the Semarang City Government together with relevant stakeholders.

With several flood management projects currently underway, he is optimistic that the inundation area will continue to decrease, including the construction or installation of pilepenan tangguhan rob in North Semarang.

"In May (2024, ed.), the construction of the'sheet pile' was completed. Currently, my friends have not heard of a tidal wave. If there was a tidal wave, I would definitely be in WA (sent a WA message, ed.) the community. Now there is none," he said.

Then, he continued, the Semarang City Government is also carrying out handling in the Pedurungan area, including by raising the Nogososro Bridge for flood control in the Tlogosari and Muktiharjo areas.

Not only that, the Semarang City Government together with the Pemali Juana River Basin Center (BBWS) will also carry out a flood control project in the Muktiharjo area.

"It will be auctioned off. It is an assistance project from the World Bank to the Ministry of PUPR for flood management in the Muktiharjo area," he said.

Funding for the project through the World Bank is indeed rigid, but currently the project has been in the process of handling its social impacts, and there are eight families that need to be handled.

"God willing, according to information from the Head of BBWS, this January it has started to be auctioned off so that the hope can be resolved," he said.

For the central area, he said, it is only a matter of handling drainage, including Jalan Tanjung and Imam Bonjol, while the pump house auction has started.

"Those at the Progo Pump House are actually finished, just waiting for PLN's electricity to flow. Because there are some collaborations, in pump houses using fuel, some are directed to electricity. Some are still waiting for the process, then some are currently preparing for the auction stage," he said.