3 Hanyut Houses Due To Floods In Mangkupadi Bulungan Village

TANJUNG SELOR - Floods are still submerging Mangkupadi Village, Tanjung Palas Timur District, Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan (Kaltara). This condition makes the activities of local residents completely paralyzed.

Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bulungan Regency, Rapidin said as many as 250 people from 50 families (KK) were affected by the flood.

"Three houses were reportedly washed away due to the flood currents, this flood was caused by heavy rains that continued to occur from Tuesday (23/1) to Thursday (25/1)," said Rapidin, Thursday, January 25.

In addition, continued Rapidin, the flood also inundated several roads such as in kilometers (KM) 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Rt.4, RT. 9 and RT 14 Mangkupadi Villages.

"The fire from the residents' houses was flooded with m water levels of about 80 cm to 2 meters, the water flow was quite heavy, causing the stems and broken wood to be carried away by the current," he explained.

BPBD together with local village and sub-district governments continue to monitor and provide assistance. Although this flood has not yet entered the category of extraordinary events.

"We have evacuated several residents at several points, such as in lodging owned by the village head and other residents' houses," he concluded.