5 Ways To Dry A True And Safe Baby, Parents Must Know!

YOGYAKARTA Every parent who has just had a baby is advised to dry their baby regularly in the morning sun. This activity provides many benefits for the little one, one of which is to prevent yellow disease caused by high levels of bilirubin. So, how to dry the right baby? Let's see the following explanation.

It has been mentioned above that the activity of drying babies in the morning sun can provide many benefits. However, drying babies needs to be done carefully. The reason is, excessive sun exposure can increase the risk of skin cancer in the future.

According to the American Academy of Pediatric, babies aged 0-6 months are not allowed to be exposed to the sun directly. At this age, the baby's skin does not yet contain enough melanin to protect itself from exposure to the sun.

Therefore, every parent needs to pay attention to how to dry a true and safe baby. The tips are as follows:

1. Drowning a baby in the room

Drowning babies does not need to be done in open spaces, such as in parks or street in front of the house.

You can dry your baby in a rather protected place, but still get sunlight. For example, in a room with clear glass.

2. Don't dry your baby too long

According to the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), the best time to dry a baby is before 10 am and after 4 pm. Do this activity for 15-20 minutes.

Don't dry the baby too long. According to a study conducted in 2020, direct sun exposure at an early age can increase the potential for more severe skin damage to skin cancer in the future.

3. No need to dry the whole baby's body

Not a few parents take off all the baby's clothes when they are about to dry. Even though this does not need to be done.

IDAI recommends that parents continue to wear clothes or hats when drying babies in direct sunlight.

Even though the little one is wearing clothes, sunlight can still penetrate and provide additional vitamin D on the body.

Removing the baby's clothes can actually increase the risk of other diseases, such as colds to skin cancer.

4. Apply sunscreen

Sunscreen can be used in babies as long as it is over 6 months old. Choose sunscreen that has SPF 15 or according to the advice of the doctor. Avoid using sunscreen in babies whose age is not even 6 months.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, babies under the age of 6 months have sensitive and easily irritated skin when applied to sunscreen.

5. Use glasses

Exposure to sunlight can affect the baby's retinal eye. Therefore, wear your little glasses or eye protection so that it remains comfortable.

That's the information on how to dry a baby that is right and safe. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.