Don't Want Baby Bella To Be Dubbed Is One Of The Reason Nana Mirdad Rejects Adoption

JAKARTA - The touching story of saving baby Bella from the family of Nana Mirdad and Andrew White is still continuing. In an upload on her Instagram story, Nana revealed that there are many warrganets that she wants to adopt Bella.

But decisively, Nana Mirdad tried to explain the 4 main reasons why she didn't do that. The first reason is because this year is the last year of her eldest son, Jason Deandra White

"1. This is Jason's last year at home before leaving for college. We want all our focus and attention to this process. We want Jason to feel this too," wrote Nana Mirdad, quoted by VOI from her Instagram story, Thursday, January 25.

The second reason regarding their second daughter, Sarah Deana White, who has started to move and needs more attention. The reason is that according to Nana and Andrew at this age, it takes up to more energy.

"2. Sarah is getting older soon, this must also be our focus point. Raising teenagers also takes full time, energy and attention," he explained.

Then the third reason is Nana feels that Bella will never get privacy if she is adopted by her family who is a celebrity family. The story of her life will continue to be exposed.

"3. This baby will never have privacy if he lives in our household. His identity will never be maintained. What if he is bullied because people know the story? Every child needs privacy," he said.

Finally, according to this 38-year-old woman, there are still many families who are more appropriate to get warmth with the presence of Baby Bella.

"4. There are so many other parents out there who are more appropriate to get warmth with Baby Bella in their midst: There are so many beautiful friends out there who will love Bella with all their hearts as well," he concluded.