Residents Of Kampung Bayam Ask Heru Want To Make A New Flat: What Is Not Using The APBD?

JAKARTA - The head of the Kampung Bayam Madani Farmers Group Muhammad Furqon questioned the function of the flats (rusun) which the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government plans to build in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta.
"Now (the new flat) what is this for? If the Acting Governor builds again, does it not issue an APBD, it only pays attention to Kampung Bayam? Kan Kampung Bayam already has a place here, what is this place for, then it is built again for Kampung Bayam, it doesn't end," said Muhammad Furqon as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 24.
According to Furqon, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government must pay more attention to several villages in Jakarta, such as Walang Village (North Jakarta) which according to him needs more attention from the government, so that the Jakarta area is more organized and neat.
"There is Walang Village, there is ITC Village, those are villages that must be arranged, how many people they live there throughout their lives give birth to children of Jakarta descent that the government does not pay attention to. That is what the Acting Governor should have led there, not to the existing ones. The Bayam Village has been made by the previous governor," Furqon explained.
Furqon suggested that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government should arrange to focus more on other villages such as plans, mechanisms, and other mappings.
Previously, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) planned to build a new flat (rusun) in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta to accommodate residents of the former Kampung Bayam.
"It has been a month before the end of the year, we continue to discuss with the Assistant for Development to be able to find the right and best solution. Therefore, the local government will build flats around Priok District in 2025," said Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono in Mampang Prapatan Village, South Jakarta, previously.
The new flats to be built will have 150 to 200 units. Heru emphasized that the DKI Provincial Government continues to strive to provide the best and never ignore the fate of the former Kampung Bayam residents.