Franki Indrasmoro: Music Connoisseurs Have A Big Role In Eradicating Songs

JAKARTA - Technological developments that produce digitization and make it easier for someone to produce songs have a huge impact on song hijackings that have recently been highlighted.

Several musicians such as Mahalini, Rayen Pono, and Franki Indrasmoro alias Pepeng ex-Naif admitted that they had been victims of song piracy, where their work was uploaded without permission to the Digital Service Platform (DSP).

In terms of eradicating song piracy on digital platforms, Franki mentions the importance of the role of music lovers and fans.

Based on his experience, Franki admitted that he knew his work was hijacked after receiving information from fans who sent messages via social media.

"Incidentally at that time, why did I know there was a hijacking, it was because someone reported it via Instagram DM," said Franki Indrasmoro when contacted by VOI recently.

"I was given a link, then I opened it. And it turned out that there was indeed a hijacked Naif song," he continued.

Franki believes that a musician and his fans should help each other. Given that the musician may not be aware that his work has been hijacked, eating information from other people becomes very valuable.

"Yes, fans and artists must support each other," said Franki Indrasmoro.

"If for example you are so unfortunately with your artist, if the works are hijacked, it's best to help the artist to be able to solve it," he concluded.