TPN Ganjar-Mahfud Forms Special Deputy Focus On Marginal Groups

JAKARTA - The Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN) formed a special deputy because it has special attention to marginalized groups.Director of Women's Empowerment of TPN Sandrayati Moniaga claims that special attention to this marginal group is the only one among the success teams of other candidate pairs."This is proof of Ganjar-Mahfud's concern," said Sandrayati at the Media Center TPN, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday, January 22.The deputy for inclusion is tasked with issues of women, disabilities, indigenous peoples, the elderly, and other vulnerable groups. Marginal groups are referred to as a group of people marginalized by a community order, both in the economy, education and culture that do not support them.He also mentioned the issues of the debate that Mahfud brought last night. According to him, Vice President Mahfud did not deny it through a statement but had been agreed with Ganjar and written in the document."So if colleagues follow Pak Mahfud, he said about 2500 cases (of customary land), that's what was reported to the office of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, at Komnas HAM every year we handle nearly 3000 cases," said Sandrayati.
According to him, Mahfud's vision at the debate yesterday was about the formation of a special institution for conflict resolution, agrarian courts, and it was written in the document.