Google Updates Subscription Stop Features And Report Spam In Gmail

JAKARTA Google moved the Subscription Stop button on Gmail's website recently. They also separate the Spam Report and Stop Subscription options on Android and websites.

Initially, Google only updated the Subscription Stop button in the Android version of Gmail. The menu to stop subscribing is made more prominent by placing it next to the name or email address of the sender of the message.

Google does the same thing on the website to make it easier for Personal Computer (PC) users, but it looks a little different. In the web version, Google adds the button next to the sender's information and is parallel to the archive icon, delete it, and so on.

By being placed in two different ranks, Google wants to make the button more prominent. Now, users don't have to bother looking for a Subscription Stop button on their email body because Google has placed its buttons very clearly.

In addition, Google also separates the Selection to Report Spam and Stop Subscription in Gmail. Previously, Google combined the two options, but they realized that this coupled option could harm email senders.

Sometimes, promotional emails come from legitimate senders and nothing goes wrong with the ads being sent. If the user marks his message as spam just because he wants to stop subscribing, this could have a negative impact on the reputation of the sender's email.

Therefore, Google is starting to separate the two options on the web and Android. They haven't separated the option on iOS, but the update will come soon along with a more prominent Subscription Stop button.