The Munculnya Perselisihan Hukum Pemegang Hak Asset Michael Jackson Dengan Aksi Tribute MJ Live

JAKARTA - Asset Rights holder Michael Jackson is accused of threatening to demand tribute, MJ Live.

On January 17, organizer MJ Live filed a complaint with the Nevada federal court, asking the judge to decide that it could continue their concert.

MJ Live performed six nights a week in Tropicana; together elsewhere, the show has been shown more than 3,600 times since 2012.

However, MJ Live claims Jackson has recently begun threatening to sue impersonators. They then accused Jackson of sending a termination letter to another place demanding they cancel the upcoming MJ Live show.

Pengacara MJ Live menyebut tindakan ini sebagai “campur tangan yang disengaja dan salah” yang “dimaksudkan untuk merugikan Penggugat.”

MJ Live argues they have the legal right to imitate Jackson, both because of the first Amendment and the unusual Nevada state similarity law.

Nevada admits the use of celebrity similarities by identical impersonators in live performances' because of Elvis Presley's long tradition of imitating Elvis Presley in Las Vegas.

They, further claimed that the group had developed their own trademark rights because it appeared under the name MJ Live for more than a decade.

They further accused Jackson's property of violating their intellectual property, even pointing to the recent use of 'MJ The Musical' by the property as a violation of their rights.

"Over the past eleven and a half years... plaintiffs have spent millions of dollars advertising and promoting MJ Live events," wrote lawyer MJ Live quoted by NME, Monday.

The plaintiffs estimated that more than 2,500,000 spectators, applauding and singing on their chairs, jumping up and down the aisle, had felt the joy, joy and sensation of MJ Live.

In his comments to Billboard, Jackson Estate's attorney Jonathan Steinsapir said the lawsuit included claims that this identity impersonation event somehow had a 'trade brand' on 'MJ Live.

"Strengthening the trade held by asset rights holder Michael Jackson and has long been linked to us. Very reckless. We, as usual, will excitedly defend all intellectual property rights Michael Jackson."