Legal Mining Is Considered Not To Bring Welfare, Cak Imin: Downstreaming Is Carried Out Recklessly, People Remain Poor

JAKARTA - Candidate for Vice President (Cawapres) number 1 Muhaimin Iskandar said that one of the things that paid quite a attention was related to illegal mining which almost touched 2,500.

"One of the things that is concerning is that there are 2,500 illegal ESDM data, while legal mining does not bring prosperity, and we are witnessing that in the mining process and our mining business downstreaming is carried out recklessly," he explained in the vice presidential debate, Sunday, January 21.

Cak Imin said that the existence of illegal mines caused several problems such as environmental damage, accidents, and foreign workers dominated.

In addition, according to Cak Imin, the development of downstreaming and mining is insignificant with the welfare of the surrounding community as reflected in economic growth in Central Sulawesi reaching 13 percent, but the welfare of the people is still lacking.

"But the people are still poor and unable to enjoy, downstreaming of what we are doing while illegal is still ongoing," he concluded.