Deploying The National Police Laboratory, South Jakarta Police Begins To Investigate The Breaking Wall Case In Tebet

JAKARTA - The case of the collapse of the gas station barrier in the Tebet area, South Jakarta, has begun to be handled by the South Jakarta Metro Police. The South Jakarta Metro Police will also cooperate with the Puslabfor Police Headquarters to conduct a crime scene investigation at the scene.

"To find out the cause, we will continue to explore it, we will coordinate with the National Police Laboratory to find out (the exact cause of the collapse of the wall)," said Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Police, Kompol Henrikus Yossi to reporters, Sunday, January 21.

Meanwhile, according to information from several witnesses at the crime scene, the condition of the wall was tilted, before the unfortunate incident occurred.

"We are still investigating. Our examination starts from this afternoon, we are observing from before and after this incident," he said.

In addition, gas stations and gas station employees who witnessed and knew about the incident will also be questioned at the South Jakarta Police Headquarters.

"Currently we are still investigating and deepening the collapse of this wall," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) was still handling the collapsed wall location, on Jalan Tebet Barat Dalam II, RT 01/03, Tebet Barat Village, Tebet District, South Jakarta, Sunday, January 21. BPBD said the wall collapsed due to the strong wind.

"The cause is strong winds. From the information provided by local residents, the walls of the gas station have been cracked and added strong winds," said the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Isnawa Adji when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, January 21.

Local residents explained to BPBD officers that previously the gas station wall was already cracked. Then on Sunday afternoon in the area was hit by strong winds so that the wall was not strong enough to withstand the wind.

"The wall is about 30 meters long and 6 meters high. The wall collapses to a wall-side shop (the victim's stall). The shop is right next to the gas station wall on Jalan Dr. Soepomo," he said.