Yakob Sayuri Not Fast Satisfied After Making Classy Assists In The 2023 Asian Cup

JAKARTA - The Indonesian national team lost against Iraq 1-3 in the inaugural match of Group D of the 2023 Asian Cup, Monday, January 15, 2024.

However, one goal from the Garuda Squad was fairly memorable. The goal process, which went through an open play situation, began with a classy assist from Yakob Sayuri to Marselino Ferdinand.

Yakob Sayuri did a solo run in the counter-attack. He did a nutmeg alias classified Ali Adnan before winning a sprint battle against Merchas Doski.

His slick action past the two Iraqi defenders was ended by a low cross to the far post. The bait was curved and Saad Natiq couldn't erase it.

Hussein Ali was late in stopping the ball so that it finally arrived right at the feet of Marselino Ferdinand who was at the far post.

Marselino also easily threw the ball into an empty net because goalkeeper Jalal Hasan was already dead and could only see Yakob Sayur's assist sliding heavily at Marselino.

Yakob Sayuri's assist then won a lot of praise. He managed to remove a measured pass that outwitted three players, including the goalkeeper, in the opponent's penalty box.

However, Yakob Sayuri did not want the praise to make him happy. He emphasized that there is still a lot of freedom in him and always wants to develop better.

"If you say it's good, yes, that's people's view, not me personally. I can't judge myself."

"What is certain is that I will perform better than the previous match. I am also ready to play in any position, either attacking or defending," said the PSM Makassar player.

The Indonesian national team's goal actually made the mentality of the team stronger. They immediately played with a high determination in order to defend points in the inaugural match.

Unfortunately, Iraq's second goal, which smelled controversial because there was an offside situation in the process, undermined the mentality of the Garuda Squad.

The momentum of the Indonesian national team was damaged. As a result, Shin Tae-yong's team conceded one goal again in the second half.