Officially Opened In Surabaya, The Indonesian Navy Center Museum "Jalesveva Jayamahe" Can Watch The Prosperity Of Maritime Past

The Navy Center Museum "Jalesveva Jayamahe" is now officially open to the public in order to make it easier for the public to explore the maritime glory of the Indonesian nation in the past as well as the important role of the Indonesian Navy. Head of the Navy History Service First Admiral Hariyo Poernomo in a statement in Surabaya, Saturday, said the Indonesian Navy Center Museum "Jalesveva Jayamahe" is also a medium and public memory-saving space regarding the glory of the Indonesian nation's progenitors's Navy and maritime glory. "Through the museum's vehicle, we invite the wider community to contemplate for a moment about the traces of the struggle of ocean heroes through various missions, operations and ocean battles in an effort to maintain the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. It is solely to build a heroic spirit, marine spirit and an optimistical sense of the next generation to fill independence," he said, reported by ANTARA, Saturday, January 20. At the opening of the museum on Jalan Raya Hang Tuah No.1, Ujung Perak, Surabaya, featuring various performing arts and culture, competitions, to traditional East Javanese culinary and handicraft festivals were presented during the event. "The Navy Center Museum 'Jalesveva Jayamahe' began to be built in 2022 eras of leadership of the Chief of Naval Staff Admiral TNI (Purn) Yudho Margono, a year later, to be precise on September 11, 2023, the museum was inaugurated by the Chief of Naval Staff Admiral TNI Muhammad Ali," he said. The high military officer in the ranks of the Indonesian Navy, explained that the museum has three exhibition space facilities consisting of the Heritage Building and Hanggar, the Theater Building and Replica Building KRI RE Martadinata. "In addition, other museum support facilities, such as mosques, stratums, and space exhibitions featuring one of the main museum's collections, namely Gannet planes that had been involved in the Operations of Trikora and Dwikora in the 1960's era," he said.

Hundreds of other important and historic collections belonging to the Indonesian Navy are also exhibited in the museum. "Starting from the personal collections of Indonesian Navy figures, the collection of weapons used by Indonesian Navy personnel since the period before independence until now, as well as various collections of main weapons systems (defense equipment)," he said.Laksma Hariyo explained that the museum is also based on 4.0 technology designed with the contemporary concept, where all digital devices can be connected and remotely controlled. This technology also allows access and addition of digital content to be carried out remotely, during internet connected systems. "The presence of this technology is dedicated to museum designers to be more efficient in terms of maintenance and management of future technology-based museums," he concluded.