Fadli Zon: HKTI Round Support Prabowo Subianto, This Is The Reason

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPN HKTI Fadli Zon, chaired the National Leadership Meeting (Rapimnas) of the Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association (HKTI) on Friday afternoon, January 19. In all, HKTI unanimously supports the Chairman of the HKTI Board of Trustees, Prabowo Subianto as a Candidate for President of the Republic of Indonesia 2024-2029 in pairs with Gibran Rakabuming.

This support is not only because Prabowo Subianto as Chairman of the HKTI Board of Trustees has also been the General Chair of the HKTI DPN for 2 periods (2004-2015). In addition, HKTI also believes that Prabowo is a presidential candidate who understands, understands and has an agricultural spirit, which can lead Indonesia to food sovereignty and prosper Indonesian farmers.

Mr. Prabowo has inspired our agriculture, knowing how to lead to food security and sovereignty. Prabowo believes that if Indonesia wants to progress and prosper, farmers must prosper," said Fadli Zon.

Rapimnas, which was attended by 30 Provincial HKTI DPDs, is ready to win Prabowo-Gibran in their respective regions. Rapimnas also conveyed several notes to advance Indonesian agriculture and the prosperity of farmers.

The first note is that farmers and breeders must make a profit of at least 30 percent. For this reason, it requires guarantees for the availability and ease of access to fertilizers, seeds, and seeds and animal feed in a guaranteed quantity and quality, access to capital, subsidies to reduce production costs, as well as guarantees for certainty of commodity prices at the farmer-cultural level which are profitable and carried out regular price adjustments every year. Farmers, plantations and profit farmers will automatically increase their productivity.

Second, laws and regulations related to agriculture are very fragmented and sectoral and there is no special Agricultural Law. It is necessary to Omnibus law the agricultural sector.

Third, the Ministry of Agriculture must be strengthened by combining part of the affairs of Ministries and other institutions into the Ministry of Agriculture, such as; forestry and water conservation affairs from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, aquaculture affairs from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, water resources affairs at the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, and planological and spatial affairs at the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning; or formed by the Coordinating Minister for Food which has budget authority.

Fourth, amendments to the Law on Regional Autonomy by making the agricultural sector a mandatory affair for district and city governments and restoring the existence and function of agricultural extensions to central affairs.

Fifth, the agricultural sector management organization is changed from a commodity-based sectoral approach to an agribusiness system-based approach. Farmers, plantations, and farmers on farm are an integral part of the agribusiness system.

The sixth, food and agricultural data which is the basis for the policy, the condition is chaotic and is the root of a fundamental problem that must be immediately corrected by making improvements and implementing amnesty for food and agricultural data.

Ketuju, regeneration and printing young entrepreneur farmers who are capable, tough and trending to be urgent is done considering the condition and age of Indonesian farmers who are getting older with reduced farming skills.

And eighth, existing agricultural land must be maintained and fertility by stopping the conversion of agricultural land and supported by massive printing of new rice fields. And delivery systems from center to area must be guaranteed to ensure every agricultural policy reaches farmers without distortion.

According to Fadli Zon, Rapimnas HKTI believes that the 8 points can be implemented by Prabowo Subianto if elected for the period 2024-2029.