Google Lays Off Thousands Of Employees To Pursue Ambitious Goals

JAKARTA Within a week, Google has stopped thousands of employees from various departments. The termination of employment (PHK) has been carried out in stages since Wednesday, January 10.

Although Google has lost thousands of employees, the company has not stopped layoffs. It is not yet known what other departments will be affected, but Google will cut more employees in the near future.

Seeing the massive termination of this work, Google CEO Sundar Pichai finally spoke up. To The Verge, Pichai said that they deliberately layoffs to prioritize more things this year.

We have ambitious goals and will invest in our top priority this year. In fact, to create this investment capacity, we have to make difficult choices," Pichai said on Wednesday, January 17.

So far, Google has dismissed employees from hardware parts such as the augmented reality division (AR), advertising sales department, Google Assistant, core engineering section, YouTube team, and much more.

This cut does look quite a lot, but Pichai said that the removal of these employees would not affect each team. In addition, the number of layoffs this year will not be as many as last year which reached tens of thousands of employees.

Pichai realized that this layoff had harmed many employees, but this still needed to be done because Google had to accelerate in some areas. In line with this acceleration, layoffs will likely occur by the end of this year.

Many of these changes have been announced, although early on, some teams will continue to make decisions on the allocation of certain resources throughout the year if needed, and some roles may be affected, "explained Pichai.