Before Botak Due To Rontok, Give These 5 Natural Cares For Hair Growth

YOGYAKARTA Having thick and healthy hair is often a dream. It turns out that many factors affect its growth, it can be due to genetics or other factors. Likewise with hair loss, which turns out to be also related to many aspects. Such as lifestyles, stress, mental health, to physical health. If you are trying to prevent hair loss or encourage more hair growth, know the following are natural treatments for hair growth and preventbotage due to loss.

Eating high protein foods, such as nuts, can help grow new hair. To grow new hair, the body needs protein. It is important to recognize, if your hair is out, it can be caused by a lack of protein. So you can meet the body's protein needs by eating high protein foods, such as nuts, eggs, meat, fish, nuts, meat without fat, and seeds.

In addition to protein, iron also helps the body grow healthy hair. Some of the sources of iron from food, including spinach, nuts, fatless beef, turkeys, cucumbers, Zoo seeds, and remis.

According to a study reported by Medical News Today, Thursday, January 18, aromatherapy can help stimulate hair growth. For example, herbal ingredients that may be used by aromatherapy practitioners, such as Sendar wood, lavender, rosemary, Timi, and tulsi.

When using essential oils on the scalp, make sure to mix only a few drops into carrier oil, such as canary oil or coconut oil. According to the researchers, breathing the smell of oil can affect hair growth. Because some people experience topical allergies when using essential oils, so the cob ates is small 24 hours before applying a mixture of oil throughout the scalp.

Massaging the scalp helps stimulate blood flow to the scalp. This will drive hair growth. According to a small study in Japan found that men who massage their scalp for 4 minutes per day with head skin massage tools have thicker hair after 6 months. When massaging, you can use the tip pad for the scalp. Do a massage with a soft circular movement.

Consumption of anchor oil can increase hair growth. This is evidenced by research that observes the benefits of labuli seeds in hair growth. Male participants were asked to consume 400 milligrams of labu grain oil for 6 months. They experienced an average increase of 40 percent.

The above are the five treatments to help hair growth and preventbotage. It is important to identify the cause of hair loss. In addition to doing the above treatment, you need to address the root cause so that it is more effective.