Ganjar Will Digitize The Financial System: Cash Transactions Are Hard To Track

JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number three, Ganjar Pranowo said there were three efforts to prevent corruption. One of them is digitizing the financial system to monitor transactions.

"Cash transactions are difficult to track, so there must be restrictions. If I'm not mistaken, the 100 million must be a commitment, e-budgeting, e-planning for transparency in the bureaucracy is an obligation," said Ganjar at the PAKU Integrity event held by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Wednesday, January 17.

Next, Ganjar also talked about budget transparency. This is important to trace the origin of money whose supervision requires direct commitment from the highest leader.

Third, Ganjar talked about strengthening law enforcement agencies, especially the KPK. The anti-corruption commission must be returned to its independence and integrity in carrying out its duties.

"When the KPK is independent, maintains independence, and integrity by the apparatus at the KPK is important, not to be intervened by anyone," concluded the former Governor of Central Java.